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Quick Summary
The pioneer and national leader of affordable and convenient Total Body Care services is seeking to expand its nationwide presence. This unprecedented growth campaign makes now the ideal time to open a Massage Envy.
*Please contact "Massage Envy" to confirm the accuracy of any information provided on this page.
Minimum Cash Required | $150,000 | |
Year Founded | 2002 | |
# of Existing Units | 1152 | |
Training & Support | Yes | |
Home Office Location | Scottsdale, AZ | |
Military/Veteran Promotion | Yes |
VetFran Franchise Fee $36,000.00 ($9,000.00 discount)
Massage Envy is a business that's successful, that's profitable, and allows you to make a difference in people's lives every day.Ray Harrigill, Massage Envy Franchise Owner
Given my experience as a member and seeing the growth and change in the health and wellness industry, coupled with my passion for both, it was just a no brainer. There was nothing else I would rather spend al my effort and focus on.Eugenia Tzoannopoulos, Massage Envy Franchise Owner
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