Adapting to COVID Law Changes in Your State to Help Your Franchise Thrive

There have been many franchise changes that have come to light in the wake of the coronavirus. Staying in tune with those changes and adapting your business as they change is imperative for you as a business owner. What are the most recent proposals in your state regarding COVID-19? When are the ne...

How to Navigate Current Events in Your Franchise Location

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Today's status quo is keeping us busier than ever. With headlines that change by the minute, it's likely that we've never seen so much political movement in our lifetime. Paired with ongoing medical changes and state guidelines that limit movement, gathering options, and more, and there's much to ke...

5 Steps to Readying Your Future Business in Your Downtime

5 steps

Make your free time productive and allow your franchise to thrive. While it's important to take time off and have breaks, utilizing designated down time toward business growth can help your franchise succeed … and succeed faster. This is a great method for several reasons. One being that in d...

How to Encourage Staff Members In Unsettled Times

lifting up colleague

Ready team? Let's go! Whether or not you knew you were signing up to be a franchisee AND a cheerleader, it's a role you took on all the same. And it's your time to shine. We are living in a strange world right now, and an additional part of your job to keep workers happy, healthy, and encouraged &h...

8 Ways COVID-19 Will Forever Change Franchise Standards

There's no denying the fact that things have changed. These last few months, the world has taken us in a direction from which we will never untravel. We can't return to how we were before. From social protocol, business practices, to the consideration of what is/was normal, everything has changed....

The Best Tips for Running Your Franchise From Home

Welcome to your new office! Or rather, your not-so-new-office at this point. Months in, you might be feeling more of a regular work flow tasking from home than you would have at your actual place of work. This is the new norm. And in many cases, working from home as a franchisee is not only mandated...

Top 50 Franchises on – April 2020

top 50 franchises

Challenging times can be moments of opportunity. And we are bringing those opportunities to you! Franchises are still taking on new owners and there are tons of industries that are essential to daily life. Based on our franchise data from April 2020, we have compiled a list of the top 50 franchise...

How to Thrive using COVID-19 Work Tactics

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Depending on the state that your franchise is located within, your rules and regulations can vary greatly. You might already be back open and running, albeit with certain safety and health regulations in play. Or your state might have you closed for weeks, if not months to come, with a long-term rol...

Moving Forward as a Franchisee: Now What?

The Way Forward

Businesses are starting to open back up based on governors and owners' discretion. Customers are starting to shop, albeit from a distance. And for the first time in months, we're starting to see some resemblance of normal. Of course, that also comes with multiple caveats: wearing PPE and remembering...

Lowered Interest Rates: What it Means When Buying Your Franchise

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Are you considering buying a franchise? Was becoming a business owner on your list of things to do before the pandemic hit and left you wondering what to do next? If you're an aspiring franchisee whose plans were put on hold, rest assured that you aren't alone. Not because there isn't a need for ne...

The Best Franchise Responses to the Pandemic

We're all in this together

The coronavirus is here in full effect, and for brands in all industries, for franchise owners in all mediums or types of business models, it means navigating new territory. Part of that means taking on the status quo as it changes. Markets are hit with new information by the day, and how they react...

Industries That Have Increased Business in the Pandemic: Franchise Successes


In a time of global change – when everyone's normal has been flipped, turned, adjusted, and made unrecognizable – it can be hard to know what to grasp onto. As a business owner, you want (and need) to protect your brand. But how does that look from behind the scenes? How do you know what...

Tips for Prepping Your Franchise for Social Distancing

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We are truly living in unprecedented times, and that means learning as we go. Not only in social settings, but with your franchising business. Dealing with a pandemic is certainly not something a new franchise owner prepares themselves to deal with, however, taking thoughtful time and consideration...

Open Your Franchise in the Status Quo, Mold Services in Your Favor

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Right now is one of the best times in history to start a business. Yes, really. We're not just blowing smoke, either. Sure it's easy to look at widespread panic and think, "No way, now is not the time." After all, there is a global pandemic taking place on a scale that has not been seen for over 100...

A Time of Economic Crisis and IDing Your Dream Job

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In recent weeks, the global markets have hit unprecedented obstacles. With a pandemic, by way of COVID-19, taking its toll on even the largest and strongest countries, businesses everywhere are feeling the heat… as are consumers. The government is talking about stimulus plan to help citizens,...

Start Getting Yourself in the Business Mindset, Long Before You Open

business research

Just because you have yet to open your franchise location, doesn't mean you can't be readying yourself in the right mindset. By getting business ready sooner rather than later, you can better set your future brand up for success, and prep your personal mindset for business success. There's a lot to...

Why Franchising is the Job of Your Dreams

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Congratulations! You just found the job of your dreams … even if you don't realize it yet! Franchising is one of the most versatile, effective, and satisfying business models available. With so many brands to choose from, and so many options in which you can invest your dollars, there are man...

Why Franchising is the Most Fulfilling Career You’ll Ever Have

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If you're on the fence about starting your own franchise business, we're here to push you over the edge! In a good way, that is. Franchising as a career comes with so many rewards, and understanding the biggest ones can help push you in the right direction as a future business owner. This includes f...

Franchise Trends of 2020: What’s Coming Your Way?

2020 target ladders

Researchers have been out scanning the trends and the results are in! That's to say that numbers have been studies, predications analyzed, and the masses polled. While we can never tell the future or know what is exactly in store for franchises in the months ahead, this is our closest, most educated...

What Franchise Should You Buy?

Which Franchise Is Right For You?

Have you ever dreamed of opening your own franchised business but can’t figure out ‘What franchise should I buy?’ Here at Franchise Opportunities we understand how much of a struggle that decision can be, and we want to help! Our team has created a fun interactive quiz that explore...

Top 10 Franchise Categories

Top 10 Franchise Categories 2020

Top 10 Franchise Categories Wondering what types of franchises are positioned for growth in the years ahead? With more than 4,000 franchise brands in the United States, choosing where to make an investment can overwhelm most prospective franchise owners. A good place to start your search is with t...

How to Grow Your Franchise Business by Next Month

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Setting goals for your franchise business and its growth can lead to huge leaps as a business owner. Expansions don't happen on their own, and planning for the income you want to see is the fastest, most effective way to see it happen quickly. Think about it, with a plan you have steps marked out, y...

It’s a New Year. How to End 2020 as a Franchisee

Happy New Year! It's 2020 and that means it's time to ring in the start of a new timeline in some of the biggest ways possible. After all, 2020 is not just your average year – it's the end of a decade, leap year, and it's a chance to get a fresh start at your business goals. If those goals inc...

These Franchise Industries are on the Rise

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No matter when your fiscal year starts anew, the start of a new calendar year is a great time to consider and implement new business ideas. Whether you're looking to expand your investment portfolio, are ready for your first franchise, or are simply curious about that the market has to offer, 2020 i...

Does Education Background Matter as a Franchisee?

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If you're considering becoming a franchise owner, you're likely looking into your own qualifications. You're looking into your background to see if you have "what it takes" to own or run a business. And, no matter how many titles you have under your belt, nothing will make you feel less qualified th...

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