work life balance coffee

Healthy Ways to Work Long Hours as a Business Owner

As a business owner, it’s a title that often means working long and hard hours. When you’re the person in charge, you’re also the person in charge of everything. Over time and with seasoned employees, that’s a workload that can and will calm down. But in the beginning especially, you’re the go-to contact for anything and everything. You’re the one ensuring everything is in place, that all details are up and running; basically, you’re a one-person show.

Unfortunately, in a franchise that can lead to some long hours and some even longer work weeks. Some with the feeling that the responsibilities will never end. BUT, we’ve heard from the other side – plenty franchise owners have talked about their despair, how they learned the ropes, and then later how it all became worthwhile. Their incredible bouts of commitment paid off in the form of a profitable business and well-trained employees. It’s words that have left owners of new franchises with newfound hope. However, just because we know things will eventually get better doesn’t mean we don’t need help getting through toward the other side. 

Instead of tactics like energy drinks and all-nighters, it’s best to look toward natural or healthier options. Ones that will increase your energy level, the amount of productivity, and ability to stay awake – and therefore lucid – through the longest of your shifts.

Tactics like:

Eating healthy – Sure fast food sounds great (and is incredibly easy), but it also weighs you down. Metaphorically as well as literally. Consuming too much grease, fats, or sugars will cause your metabolism to work overtime, and therefore, make you more tired. In contrast, healthy dishes boost your energy level, keep you alert for longer periods of time … and simply help you feel better. You’ll be able to work longer just by feeding your body what it needs, not necessarily what it craves.

Working smart – When tackling something in the “wrong” order, it can require more hours than necessary. Rather than re-doing what you already did or backtracking steps, take a few minutes to create a schedule of when each item needs to be accomplished, and why that’s the best order. You might find that one task makes better sense to complete first (or last), while others can fall into slow times as needed.

Level out your caffeine intake – Some of us live off coffee. It’s what gets you up in the morning and through the entire afternoon. But consuming too much of it can make you crash, and hard. Rather than setting yourself up for such severe consequences, level out your beverages instead. Sip on coffee, limit how many cups you can have, or consume a protein-based shake for energy without the side effects.

Mixed movement – Depending on the tasks you have lined up, you might be asked to sit or stand for long periods of time, maybe even lend your physical labor skills. Mix up the day’s hours – and your body’s cycle – by doing all of the above in varying intervals. Taking breaks as they’re needed and working hard when they’re not. Overall this can create an easier way to work throughout the day, and without tiring as quickly.

Get great sleep – Failing to earn enough rest can make you suffer the entire work day, and even into the next. Consider all your options to gain restful sleep, like going to bed when you’re just too tired, turning off the TV, not checking your phone in bed, etc. (And let’s face it, when you’re exhausted, your body will be ready to rest. Sometimes you just have to let it.)

Stay hydrated – Not taking in enough water can make you feel sick and tired all on its own. Avoid these pesky side effects by keeping hydrated (with water, not soda) round the clock. It’s a simple fix that can leave you feeling great in just a few hours. 

With just a few healthy life adjustments, you can work to getting more work done, without putting your body (or your mind) through the ringer. Consider these healthy fixes for a better way to keep your business up and running. 

Posted on Monday September 11, 2017 by Staff to General Franchise Information