young man pondering

Common Doubts and How to Overcome them When Opening your Business
Before you open your business – or perhaps before you do anything new – it’s normal to have doubts. That’s part of human nature, allowing our fears to take root and form scenarios (no matter how ridiculous) within our heads. In fact, it’s almost concerning if you don’t have negative ideas before taking on something big or new.
It’s not so much whether these doubts exist than it is what you’re able to do with them. Take a look at these common sources of sleepless nights, and then put your mind at ease with the knowledge that you can not only work past them, but gain some self confidence in the process.
“What if I fail?”
What if? What is “failing,” anyway? And what makes you think you won’t make it? You’re in charge of every aspect of this business – from opening day, to the employees you hire, to the steps you take after a bad customer experience – it’s all on your shoulders. Rather than looking at it as too much responsibility, however, it’s a chance to break that list down, and realize that if you take care of everything small, those pieces will come together to create a cohesive, successful machine.
“What if I can’t do it?”
But what if you can? You can be huge – you can be successful, profitable, and the owner of a business you love!
Besides, you have the resources (your franchising company) and the time to learn. Take small steps to put all your ducks in a row. These preps will seem small at the time, but they’ll also add up by ensuring you’re doing everything you need, one simple process at a time.
“What if I’m not qualified?”
Your franchising company will perform due diligence to ensure you’re the right person for the job. If you pass their test, you’re more than qualified.
But you shouldn’t worry about impressing them, either. If you’re talented enough to consider business ownership, and able to put together a thorough application, you’re well on your way to proving you have exactly what it takes to become a franchisee.
“What if my business doesn’t make money?”
Luckily, when you sign on with a company, they have plenty of experience behind them. Knowledge and expertise that they will also share with you. Franchises don’t want you to struggle, they want you to be as successful as possible. That means it’s also their goal for your business to grow, meaning they will help you in as many ways as possible – from coaching, to training, to lines of credit, and more – they’re there to help.
“What if I get a bad reputation?”
In order to get a “bad rap,” you have to earn it. Therefore, rumors or instances of he said/she said simply won’t stick. A few might believe such claims, but without hard evidence to back it up, false claims simply won’t last.
“Will I be good at my job?”
Of course you will. If you didn’t have the potential to be a great boss and a successful franchisee, no brand would have let you sign on in the first place. Utilize all of your previous working skills (management, sales, or whatever else you might have picked up along the years) and tailor them to your new gig.
Besides, you’ll be learning as you go, too. Meaning, the longer you hold your position, the better you’ll become at doing it. You’ll learn shortcuts, how to streamline for better production, and more.
“Will others be responsive to my business?”
Remember this famous line from Field of Dreams: “If you build it, they will come.” While you might not be physically building anything, the main focus is giving shoppers a place to go. Advertise and ensure you have a good product and/or service. Customers will come in for all reasons, ranging from curiosity to a need for your product; it’s the positive experiences you create that will keep them coming back.
These doubts (and others) are nothing new when it comes to starting your own business. Rather than letting them take over, however, remind yourself that you’re a qualified professional with plenty to offer the industry. Use that motivation every time you get down and let it fuel your brand instead.

Posted on Tuesday October 17, 2017 by Staff to General Franchise Information